5 Quotes Plus Discussion-Promoting Questions
See also Teaching Helps
This talk got a lot of votes in the polls! First, let’s pronounce his last name: Zhee-ROH CAR-ee-ay. (He’s French)
Second, this is a story-based lesson. Story lessons are a nice break and will get your group talking about essential topics in a recognizable, real-life way. This lesson is perfect for softening our outlook on others.
You can find his full talk here. Unless you opt to spend a lot of time on a particular quote, try to pick around 2 questions per quote. Choose the questions that resonate the most with you and make a meaningful discussion for your group of personalities. These highlights and questions fit with Lesson Template 1 or Template 2. You can also check out several other General Conference Talks with 5 Highlights.
All blue quotes by Christophe G. Giraud-Carrier (unless otherwise noted).
Lesson Prep
- If I were teaching, I’d do quotes 1, 3, 4, 2, and 5 – in that order.
- Please don’t worry if you only get through a couple of quotes. Spiritual discussion is golden; it resonates and teaches more than a lecture covering all points will.
- If the discussion gets too secular, pull it back to the quotes and a spiritual tone…naturally and with tact.
- Encourage discussion by accepting all reasonable answers. Validate people for participating and be thankful they spoke up. Engage with the answer in a conversational way whenever it feels natural. Never say, “We haven’t got to that part of the lesson yet.” Roll with it.
Printable Files
- Teacher Master Copy (quotes and questions)
- 5 Quotes (no questions)
Quote #1 (4-part stories)
This makes an excellent foundation for the whole lesson.
Possible Engagement Tool: Explain that Elder Giraud-Carrier shared a series of scripture stories that we will review. Invite your class to notice patterns and keep track of what message these scripture accounts reveal.
(This quote is meant to be read all together. Four people, one for each part, should work nicely. I would consider having people stand together up front and read these. Even if it’s before Sacrament meeting that day, assign the quotes ahead of class so the readers are familiar with them – if you can.)
Part A – Do you recall the experience the prophet Samuel had when the Lord sent him to Jesse’s house to anoint the new king of Israel? Samuel saw Eliab, Jesse’s firstborn. Eliab, it seems, was tall and had the appearance of a leader. Samuel saw that and jumped to a conclusion. It turned out to be the wrong conclusion, and the Lord taught Samuel: “Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; … for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.”
Part B – Do you recall the experience the disciple Ananias had when the Lord sent him to bless Saul? Saul’s reputation had preceded him, and Ananias had heard about Saul and his cruel, relentless persecution of the Saints. Ananias heard and jumped to a conclusion that perhaps he should not minister to Saul. It turned out to be the wrong conclusion, and the Lord taught Ananias, “He is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel.”
What was the trouble with Samuel and Ananias in these two instances? They saw with their eyes and heard with their ears, and as a result, they passed judgment on others based on appearance and hearsay.
Quick question break: Suggest to the class that we quickly answer Elder Giraud-Carrier’s question, “What was the trouble with Samuel and Ananias in these two instances”? Just call on one or two people.
Part C – When the scribes and the Pharisees saw the woman taken in adultery, what did they see? A depraved woman, a sinner worthy of death. When Jesus saw her, what did He see? A woman who had temporarily succumbed to the weakness of the flesh but could be reclaimed through repentance and His Atonement. When people saw the centurion whose servant was sick with palsy, what did they see? Perhaps they saw an intruder, a foreigner, one to be despised. When Jesus saw him, what did He see? A man concerned for the welfare of a member of his household, who sought the Lord in candor and faith.
Part D – When people saw the woman with an issue of blood, what did they see? Perhaps an unclean woman, an outcast to be shunned. When Jesus saw her, what did He see? A sickly woman, lonely and alienated due to circumstances she did not control, who hoped to be healed and to belong again.
In every case, the Lord saw these individuals for who they were and accordingly ministered to each one…May we likewise not let our eyes, our ears, or our fears mislead us but open our hearts and minds and minister freely to those around us as He did.
Two key phrases:
“…the Lord saw these individuals for who they [really] were.
“…ministered to each one (master key phrase for this lesson.)
Quick question break: Ask the class what patterns or messages they noticed from these scripture stories. Just call on two or three people.
Possible visual aid: Write or post the words “Ministered to each one.”
Quote #2 (labels)
President Russell M. Nelson has taught: “The adversary rejoices in labels because they divide us and restrict the way we think about ourselves and each other. How sad it is when we honor labels more than we honor each other.”
“First and foremost,” as President Nelson reminded us, I am a “child of God.” So are you, and so are all other people around us. I pray that we may come to a greater appreciation of this wonderful truth. It changes everything!
…We may have been raised in different cultures; we may come from different socioeconomic circumstances; our mortal heritage, including our nationality, skin color, food preferences, political orientation, etc., may vary greatly. But we are His children, all of us, without exception. We have the same divine origin and the same limitless potential through the grace of Jesus Christ.
Notice how President Nelson mentions labels about ourselves, too!
Possible discussion questions: Why is it important to avoid using negative labels or impersonal categories with other people? (accept all reasonable answers — It desensitizes us and creates a lack of awareness of others.) Who is happy when we label others? (Satan) Do we sometimes label ourselves? Who is pleased when we create superiority or inferiority between ourselves and others? (Only Satan) Does any group of people have more favor in God’s sight than another?
For none of these iniquities come of the Lord; for he doeth that which is good among the children of men; and he doeth nothing save it be plain unto the children of men; and he inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile. (2 Nephi 26:33)
Quote #3 (covenant)
I nominate this quote for the most eloquent! Please especially note the bolded sentence.
…Covenant belonging: What a beautiful concept! We belong to a group of people who all try to place the Savior and their covenants at the center of their lives and to live the gospel joyfully. Hence, rather than our seeing each other through the distorted lens of mortality, the gospel raises our sights and allows us to see each other through the flawless, unchanging lens of our sacred covenants.
Possible discussion questions. What does Elder Giraud-Carrier mean by “the distorted lens of mortality”? How does the gospel help us see above the usual cultural and traditional judgments made of others? What happens when we’re in the temple with everyone dressed in white? Can we step back and realize everyone is on the same covenant path, progressing towards the same eternal goal?
Elder Soares posted this on his Twitter account on November 5, 2023:
Have you ever pondered on how the principle of respect for human dignity and equality is demonstrated through the simple way we dress in the House of the Lord? We all come to the temple united in one purpose and filled with the desire to be pure and holy in His holy presence.
Dressed in white, all of us are received by the Lord Himself as His beloved children, men and women of God, progeny of Christ. We are privileged to perform the same ordinances, make the same covenants, commit ourselves to live higher and holier lives, and receive the same eternal promises.
This universal use of white clothing symbolizes that we are all alike unto God and that in the temple we embrace our identities as children of a loving Heavenly Father.
United in purpose, we see one another with new eyes, and in our oneness, we celebrate our differences as divine children of God. (Elder Soares – Nov 2023)
Quote #4 (really matters)
President Nelson is so quotable. And this one is meaningful.
Indeed, we follow our dear prophet’s invitation: “My dear brothers and sisters, how we treat each other really matters! How we speak to and about others at home, at church, at work, and online really matters. Today, I am asking us to interact with others in a higher, holier way.”
Possible discussion questions: What does President Nelson’s quote mean to you? How important to the Savior – are our attitudes and actions towards others? How would you explain the phrase, “in a higher, holier way”?
Quote #5 (closing)
This is a great closing quote if you have time.
Of course, if you can have your group sing or listen to the Primary song, that would be ideal. Make sure they have the words.
This afternoon, in the spirit of that invitation, I wish to add my pledge to that of our wonderful Primary children:
If you don’t walk as most people do,
Some people walk away from you,
But I won’t! I won’t!
If you don’t talk as most people do,
Some people talk and laugh at you,
But I won’t! I won’t!
I’ll walk with you. I’ll talk with you.
That’s how I’ll show my love for you.
Jesus walked away from none.
He gave his love to ev’ryone.
So I will! I will!
I testify that He whom we address as our Father in Heaven is indeed our Father, that He loves us, that He knows each of His children intimately, that He cares deeply about each one, and that we are truly all alike unto Him. I testify that the way we treat each other is a direct reflection of our understanding of and appreciation for the ultimate sacrifice and Atonement of His Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Summarize class discussion highlights and/or share your testimony and feelings about Elder Giraud-Carrier’s talk. Thank your class for their excellent contributions and insights.
Final Comment
Thank you, thank you for preparing yourself for this lesson. Our hearts need softening. Satan works hard on contention, ill will, and negativity. This is a beautiful lesson to help us all push back and strengthen ourselves against this chaotic period of unrest and confusion. Teach with confidence, and if you would like some tips on how to feel more confident while teaching – try “9 Tips for More Class Participation.” May the Spirit bless and guide your efforts.
Thank you for this resource!
You are most welcome!
Thank you for providing such a valuable resource. I was a sub last minute and this saved the day!