prophet Nelson with thought bubbles

One Stellar Quote at a Time – President Nelson Series

Brush up on President Nelson’s best quotes – Our dynamic prophet Russell M. Nelson has given us much revelation and direction for our chaotic, upside-down world. Here’s a chance to revisit his timely counsel in depth, with commentary and examples.

April 2023

No. 17 – Tongue’s Hellfire (communication, dynamics, negativity, anger)

No. 18 – Direct Opposites of Society (compassion, difficult dynamics, repentance)

No. 19 – 5 Ideas for Peacemaking (best definition of what a peacemaker does)

No. 20 – You’re Supporting Satan (surprising wake-up call)

No. 23 – My Time Out (the words we speak every day to every one)

October 2022

No. 1 – The Greatest Manifestations Ever Seen (end-times, miracles, power)

No. 2 – The Enormous Power of Rest (increase heavenly power in your life)

No. 3 – Christ’s Mindset (how to be upbeat with life’s hardships)

No 4. – An Exhausted and Saturated World: Survival Guide (go forward)

No. 5 – Let a Real Prophet Rescue You (upgrades our look at repentance)

No. 6 – The Check-Off List for the UnNatural Man (how to grow our love for God)

No. 7 – My Wagon Has a Flat Tire (habits, empowerment and doctrine of Christ)

No. 8 – Make Everything Easier (possessions, popularity, power, pleasures, Jesus Christ)

No. 9 – Miracles in Your Life (personal blessings, testimony of Jesus Christ, better path)

No. 10 – A Playbook for 2023 (prayer journal, divine help, better life, opportunities)

No. 11 – He Just Gave You a Direct Blessing (looks at each remarkable piece of the apostolic blessing)

No. 12 – Life Is Difficult ~ 4 Simple Pointers (4 simple pointers to a better life)

No. 13 – Temple Filled with Power (2 ways to get lots of heavenly help)

April 2022

No. 14 – Want Your Soul Back? (a soul-cleansing, life-giving formula for happiness)

No. 15 – Hearts That Rage (Yours) (pesky emotions that land: enmity, resentment, rage)

No. 16 – Ignite Spiritual Momentum (gratitude, power and defense against evil)

No. 21 – Give and Take With God (a powerful perspective on the Sacrament)

No. 22 – Need A Shot of Cheer, Wonder, Liveliness, or Merriment? (give your life a boost and repent of something today – see the list)

No. 24 – If Peak Spirituality Is a Past Thing (get back in stride with bigger spirituality)

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  1. Kate Hinckley

    Are you going to Elder Christoffersen’s and Elder Renlund’s talks for RS? I would love those!!

    • Shawnie Cannon

      I have plans to do both, but may not be for a couple of weeks.

  2. Eileen Hardy

    I just discovered your site and have combed through it thoroughly. What an amazing resource you have created! Thank you for the personal spiritual and intellectual resources and time you invest in helping so many of us learn and prepare to teach, give talks and grow spiritually. I’m wondering how you go about selecting the conference talks you prepare 5 highlights for and how soon after conference that material is available on your site.

    • Shawnie Cannon

      In the past, I’ve done a poll and asked people which ones they want. Each Conference I select 12-15 talks to do up into lessons. Generally I stop by about two months after the General Conference. Once I’m out of school (this semester, yay!) I’ll be able to do more. Thank you for your high compliments and I’m grateful for your heart-warming words.


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