Want More Confidence?

9 Tips for More Class Participation

See my secrets below for a memorable class discussion.

woman teaching lesson

Teaching Tip #1

Remember the Glorious Pause

“Pause after you ask a question and after you ask class members to share experiences. “Do not be afraid of silence. People often need time to think about and reply to questions or to express what they are feeling.” (Teaching, No Greater Call, 67).

9 Tips For More Participation

1. Remember the Glorious Pause

“Pause after you ask a question and after you ask class members to share experiences. “Do not be afraid of silence. People often need time to think about and reply to questions or to express what they are feeling” (Teaching, No Greater Call, 67).

You’ve put quite a bit of thought into your lesson topic, but most people haven’t yet. And if it is a deeper, more introspective question – sometimes it requires more time to get the discussion going. Two Sundays ago, I subbed for RS and had about the longest pause I’ve ever had. I stood there calmly with a smile on my face, but once it got going…it ran. Don’t let some initial silence spook you.

2. Be A Discussion Leader (Not A Lecturer)

I aim for a minimum of 50% discussion.  When those hands go up, that’s the best you could hope for. Self-expression is spiritually therapeutic and thought-provoking discussions are one of the most valuable tools we teachers have.  So prepare some discussion-promoting questions.

From “Teaching, No Greater Call” (Lesson 14)  “Meaningful discussions are fundamental to most gospel teaching. We invite the influence of the Spirit when we teach the gospel to one another and give respectful attention to one another.” Discussions can bring results that seldom occur without them. For example, they can promote diligent learning and encourage unity.

Appreciate or validate every comment and treat it like a conversation if you can, by interacting with the comment and adding something. Avoid phrases like “We have to move on,” or “That’s later in the lesson,” or “That’s not what I had in mind, ” or even “No, that’s not right.” Those kinds of teacher responses will detract from the good will of your lesson and discourage participation. It’s ok for the lesson to flow out of the planned order.

3. Prepare Only 3-4 Lesson Points Well

First of all, if you’re encouraging discussion, this is all you’ll have time for. Do not ever be tempted to “march” through all the material with your class. Meaning do not try and cover every point and quote and verse made in a lesson. This is not effective teaching. Jeffrey R. Holland tells us there will always be more in a lesson than we can use:

“[Avoid] the temptation to cover too much material. … We are teaching people, not subject matter per se; and … every lesson outline that I have ever seen will inevitably have more in it than we can possibly cover in the allotted time” (Jeffrey R. Holland, “Teaching and Learning in the Church,” Ensign, June 2007, 91).

My mission president taught us if you emphasize more than 1-2 scriptures at a sitting, the verses will mutually compete with each other, dilute themselves and soon be forgotten. Scripture chains are seldom effective. On the other hand, beautiful points scored on just one or two verses linger for quite a while with people.

The point of being a teacher is to pick out those 3-4 lesson points which inspire you most, include plenty of discussion and cover them in a way, they will stay with your class members.  This is truly a situation where less is more.

You were called and chosen to teach this lesson for a reason.  Have confidence in what aspects of the lesson resonate with you most.

4. Standing Up In Front of a Group of Peers

Standing in front of a group of peers can be quite intimidating, even for the most seasoned of us. And some groups are more hard-hearted than others.  Don’t despair!  When I first moved to a small town over 20 years ago and taught my first RS lesson, I actually had a couple of sisters give me disapproving, and ridiculing looks as I stood up front and taught (it’s hard to imagine, isn’t it?). It was a shock. It completely undid me and I lost most my confidence and barely stumbled through the rest of the lesson.  So I love this exchange between the Lord and Jeremiah:

6 Then said I, Ah, Lord God! behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child. [“They’ll think I’m an idiot.”]

7 ¶But the Lord said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak.

8 Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the Lord. [There will always be some who are not so friendly, or receptive ~ don’t pay them any mind.]

17 ¶Thou therefore gird up thy loins, and arise, and speak unto them all that I command thee: be not dismayed at their faces.. [Don’t expect to derive your confidence and validation from others, the Lord is already behind you.]  (Jeremiah 1:6-8,17)

5. It’s Okay To Say “I Don’t Know”

If a question comes up and you’re not sure how to answer, some possible responses are, “Wow, that’s a great question and I don’t have an immediate answer for that. Does anyone here have some thoughts?” Some of the best class discussions I’ve ever led came when I appealed for help in answering someone’s question.

Bonus! This also works if someone is being a bit antagonistic or asking questions that make you feel uncomfortable. “Let’s open that question up to the whole class, who has some thoughts on this”?

If it is an especially difficult or a distracting question, “Let me study up on that one and get back to you.”  And then move the class on.

6. Use Videos Sparingly (and Why!)

The Church and others have made some glorious videos and they can have some real impact.  However, just like a hearty meal sticks to the ribs longer, your personal experiences, heart-felt class discussion, and allowing the sisters to self-express will stay with their souls much longer than even the best videos.  Our mission president made us put our film projectors away and said…just talk.  I was incredulous, but he turned out to be right.  More happened when we spent more time expressing ourselves and connecting personally.

Videos also interrupt the crescendo and flow of your lesson-building.  So if you feel strongly to use a short video, try using it near the very beginning as an ice breaker, or a warm-up.  You’ll find class participation generally slows down if you use it in the middle and videos are poor substitutes for personalized, bearing of testimony or wrapping up the most important thoughts of the class yourself at the close.

I share video links here sometimes as references for study and to help create the mood of the topic. Nonetheless, your personal impact is greater than any video could be. Trust it.

7. Share Something Personal (others will too)

Somewhere in the lesson, be bold enough to share an experience, vulnerability or learning curve of your own which relates to the lesson. Use rare miracle stories sparingly…if ever. So often the stories (personal experiences) with the greatest impact are those about struggles, doubts, hardships, personal fails which had to be worked through. It lets the people know they are not exceptional and alone in their daily difficulties and weaknesses. It gives them courage and reassurance. You will also find them more willing to share precious, vulnerable treasures of their own when you are willing to share yours. Extra bonus: it does wonders for camaraderie.

8. Assign Questions Ahead If You Can

I cannot overstate what a difference this makes! Whenever possible, assign one or two of the general questions from your lesson ahead of time to a couple of people.  You’ll get higher quality responses when you repeat those questions in class, which in turn will jumpstart participation and promote other people to raise their hand and add to a valuable discussion. I often choose to make those assignments to folks who don’t speak up as much, because we can usually count on the less bashful ones.

9. Read the Lesson ASAP and Read It Again

Read the lesson to the end, as soon as possible, even if it’s just a casual read-through. I know teachers who read the next lesson, the very same day after they just gave the current one.  Reading ahead gives you a chance to marinate in the topic, it also leaves time for the Spirit to work on you. You’ll not only warm up to the concepts better, you’ll often find some of the lesson prep will work itself out for you.   Life has a way of opening our eyes right when we need it ~ to both greater understanding and even new inspirations, if we open the door early and leave it open.

If you’re not immediately comfortable with the material, re-read it a few times if possible. Each time will expand your vision and heart. You’ll then be able to give the lesson with more confidence. I usually read the lesson at least four times before I blog about it. This allows thoughts and understandings to wander around in my sub-conscious pondering place and they network with each other. The results are deeper, broader understandings which I’m more enthusiastic to share.

Bonus Tip!

4-second rule

Don’t ever worry if you don’t get immediate responses to your questions or attempts at starting a discussion. Sometimes it takes a while to warm up. Whenever you ask a question, wait four seconds and if there are no volunteers, ask the same question in a different way or with different words. For example, “What do you suppose Elder Cook meant by balancing Church and home”? [4-second wait] “Is there a need in our day to harmonize gospel experiences in the home with experiences at Church?

I am preparing for teacher council in our ward. I am the Sunday School president and a bit nervous about the task. Your teaching tips are absolutely golden. Thanks!


Thank you for your efforts with this website. I refer to it during my preparations for every lesson I teach in Relief Society. 


I’m so glad that I have found your website. There is so much valuable and helpful information here. Thank you for taking the time to do this – you are appreciated.


2 More Reminders

Suggest Ground Rules or Extend an Invite

Before you start reading any quote or scripture (in other words make suggestions ahead of time of what they might find) –

For example– in gospel doctrine when reading a verse, I will often ask people to try to imagine themselves in that time and place.  What do you notice about what’s going on?  How would you feel?  Does it remind you of any situation in your own life?   These are subtle suggestions to be more engaged with the material.

Or I might say, “Okay, after we read these verses we’re going to have a discussion about the character of the Sons of Mosiah.  Notice what comes up for you as we read this scripture set (or quote).”

“Or when I read this scripture before class, I found myself wondering how the sons of Mosiah could progress to the point that they did?  Notice what comes up for you as we read these verses (this quote) today and let’s talk about it.”

Or, extend that invite to look/listen for the words and phrases they might find stand out for them from any given quote. Ask why that particular word, phrase or idea seemed important.

To sum up – help them be more prepped and engaged as you study material together.  It does make a difference. My favorite go-to invite is, “See what comes up for you as we read this quote…what stands out for you today?”

Roll With It If the Lesson Flows Out of Order

Important tip: I see this happen repeatedly! Do not ever be concerned or annoyed by going “out of order.” For example, if someone makes a comment that covers material later in your lesson and the discussion naturally swings there – roll with it and work the quote or verse in. Don’t invalidate and shut that person’s comment down by stating that it’s for “later.” (Don’t be like, “why did you bring that up now – that messes up my lesson plan.”) If you want people to volunteer…be a safe person to contribute to. Turn that detour into a success for everyone.

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  1. Pam

    I’d like to know if you have any suggestions for dealing with people whose comments are way too long and take up so much time from the lesson. How do you cut them off and move on?

    • Shawnie Cannon

      That is a tough one to be sure. If this is a habitual problem with a particular person, then you may need a private conversation with them and explain that your objective is to encourage as many different sisters to participate as possible. That you enjoy her comments but because of time constraints, need them to be shorter/ fewer so that more may participate, especially the quieter ones who need more time to respond. Same for the ones who want to comment multiple times and dominate every idea.

    • Sister Butler

      Before I ask the question, I would suggest everyone keep their answers brief to allow others to have a say because it is important for everyone to contribute to the discussion.

  2. Cayce Weber

    I like this break-down. However, as one who works for the Church in creating media content, and see the thousands of hours that go into production, and the idea that our Prophet and Quorum of the 12 Apostles, allocate millions of dollars in producing clips for this very purpose, I respectfully disagree with the idea that videos should be used very rarely. Choosing the correct video/music, for maximum impact is important, and placement is important. But I also feel the use of media is suggested and approved by the leadership of the Church. Just my opinion.

    • Shawnie Cannon

      I appreciate your feedback! I’m posting it as a professional and well-thought opinion. The Church media is wonderful and is a rich resource and I love its use for social media and have proudly posted it numerous times including for non-member friends plus other situations. As a teacher who promotes discussion and participation…where do you fit it in? There rarely seems to be enough time for everyone’s comments. People speaking, testifying, sharing is a top priority for me. I believe there is a time and place for the media – and that it is effective and inspired.

      • Divine Code Follower

        I agree! Local leadership consistently counsels instructors to focus on class member discussion and involvement, to encourage them to share what they have learned and how they are growing as individuals and families.

        We have been counseled to support them in their own home-centered curriculum and study.

        The Spirit is the teacher and, in my opinion, is felt more strongly as class members share their thoughts.

        Church created media content is great to use in the home. But using it in church meetings is time-consuming and requires setup of equipment. This isn’t easily done when several wards use the same building. You almost have to leave sacrament meeting early to do this.

        I include church media links in communications to class members as additional resources to view/read/study if they choose, as part of their preparation for class discussion.

      • Catherine Ann Gardner

        As a teacher for many decades, I have also found that the use of media can stop, interrupt, the flow of inspiration in the classroom. Then the teacher has to ask a question to get the class to reinvigorate again. Media is great if the class is having a hard time feeling and participating. The Holy Ghost is the greatest teacher.

  3. Amélia Fernandes

    I am the Second Counsel in the Relief Society. I am responsible for education; sometimes, it requires me to teach the class in relief society. And I am not comfortable because English is my second language. I need to practice more and study well a lesson.

    • Shawnie Cannon

      Amelia, you are so welcome here! Good luck with your study and your lessons.

  4. Andrea Lawler

    I am a RS teacher in my ward and its been challenging for English is my second language, however so rewarding. I can feel the spirit while preparing my lesson and encouraging me all the way . I am so grateful for the perfect Gospel of Jesus Christ and how it helps me to pursue my divine potential.

  5. Karen Harris

    What are your thoughts on putting class members in smaller groups to discuss?

    • Shawnie Cannon

      As long as it accommodates introverts, they are an awesome idea. If you would like you can check out small group discussion as outlined in Template #1

  6. maryelizabethliberty

    thank you so much! I’ve been in primary for years and have to teach RS on a day’s notice, so I’m going to lean on your tips here to get in there and get a discussion going.

    • Shawnie Cannon

      Bless your heart for being a loving leader in Primary. That really is sainthood. I’m betting you will do great the next time you teach.

  7. Jim

    I am preparing for teacher council in our ward. I am the Sunday School president and a bit nervous about the task. Your teaching tips are absolutely golden. Thanks!

    • Shawnie Cannon

      Jim, teacher council is the most perfect place to share teaching tips. We all need them! I bet your teachers felt blessed by your prep and your efforts.


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