5 Highlights for “The Faith to Ask and Then to Act” by Elder Eyring

by | Nov 4, 2021

apostle speaking

5 Quotes Plus Discussion-Promoting Questions

See also Teaching Helps

President Eyring teaches how to hear the Spirit and how to get answers to our questions and our prayers. While some of the guidance may not be entirely new for us – his insights are a treasure.

You may find his full talk here. Unless you opt to spend a lot of time on a particular quote, try to pick around 2 questions per quote. Choose the questions that resonate the most with you and make a meaningful discussion for your group of personalities. These highlights and questions fit right in with Lesson Template 1 or Template 2. You can also check out several other General Conference Talks with 5 Highlights.

All quotes by Henry B. Eyring and in blue (unless otherwise noted).

Quote #1 (how to hear)

Let your class know that in this quote, President Eyring shares a mindset that helps us get answers to our prayers. Invite your class to listen for the guidance he gives and “then let’s talk about it.”

If your faith in Jesus Christ has led to a heart softened through the effects of His Atonement, you will be more able to feel the whisperings of the Spirit in answer to your prayers. My personal experience is that the still, small voice—which is real—is clear and discernible in my mind when I feel an internal quiet and submission to the Lord’s will. That feeling of humility can be best described as “Not my will, but thine, be done.”

Possible questions:

When is our heart “softened through the effects of His Atonement”?

  • during repentance
  • sincere personal review and introspection
  • when we have moments of humility about ourselves
  • when we humbly reach for the Savor’s grace to heal or help us

Why are we more able to listen to the whisperings of the Spirit when we are repentant? (The repentance process and the Atonement wash us clean and make it easier to have the Spirit visit us). How do you find internal quiet and humility? What happens when we resolve to follow God’s will instead of our own? (We’re more open to inspiration.)

Quote #2 (in proportion)

How much we strive to be a Saint affects how much personal revelation we can receive. Ask the class to listen for keywords that stand out for them from this following quote:

Revelation comes to us in proportion to the degree to which we have sought to take the doctrine of Christ into our hearts and implement it in our lives.

You remember from the Book of Mormon that Nephi taught us that faith in Jesus Christ is the key to receiving revelations of truth and the key to having the confidence that we are following the Savior’s direction.

President Eyring uses a couple of pivotal keywords in this quote. Studying them can inspire us with a more profound understanding.

Faith is an action word, and the word “implement” refers to our actions.

implement: bring about, perform, complete, materialize, fulfill

confidence: assurance, determination, courage, morale

Confidence and a sense of well-being are fruits of the Spirit. In fact, in today’s world, well-being and confidence are prized gifts. As the Spirit comes into our life by faith (i.e. our actions), confidence increases.

Possible activity: Hand out a list of the two words with synonyms (or post them upfront) and ask members of your class to think of ways to re-phrase parts of Elder Eyring’s quote using different words but keep the idea the same.

For example:

  • When our daily actions follow the doctrine of Christ, our access to personal revelations increase.
  • When the doctrine of Christ is prominent in how we live our lives and how we treat others, our personal revelations happen more often.
  • Having faith and following Christ leads to personal revelation and also to increased assurance in our personal revelations.
  • The more we live the doctrine of Christ in our lives – the more courage and determination we will experience from our personal revelations.

Possible discussion questions: What words or ideas stood out for you from this quote and why? What does Elder Eyring mean by “implement” the doctrine of Christ in our lives? How would you explain these principles to a friend? How does living our faith lead to confidence? Does confidence have value in today’s world?

Quote #3 (still, small voice)

Isn’t it interesting that the voice of the adversary is noisy and comes uninvited? There is no effort needed to experience its sway. On the other hand, the Spirit is still and quiet and requires our effort to seek it out. I have found the act of seeking the Spirit and seeking gospel study makes Satan’s voice less effective.

For example, what do you experience when you listen to hymns or listen to a General Conference talk?

The Savior will not shout commands to you and me. As He taught Elijah:

“And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord. And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake:

“And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.”

Hearing that voice will come from our faith in Him. With sufficient faith, we will ask for direction with the intent to go and do whatever He asks. We will have developed the faith to know that whatever He asks will bless others and that we can be purified in the process because of His love for us.

Possible discussion questions: What are some ways we can help ourselves hear the still, small voice? How does it feel when the Spirit touches you? (Personal revelation is often accompanied by peace, assurance, and a warm sense of well-being). How do you invite the Spirit into your life? What have you found that works?

Quote #4 (the power of obedience)

President Eyring shares an excellent quote by George Q. Cannon:

What President George Q. Cannon said long ago is true today and will be until the Savior comes personally to lead His Church and His people: “Obedience to the Gospel brings [people] into very close and intimate relationship with the Lord. It establishes a close connection between men on the earth and our Great Creator in the heavens. It brings to the human mind a feeling of perfect confidence in the Almighty and in His willingness to listen to and answer the supplications of those who trust in Him. In times of trial and difficulty, this confidence is beyond price. Trouble may come upon the individual or upon the people, disaster may threaten and every human hope may seem to be overthrown, yet, where [people] have availed themselves of the privileges which obedience to the Gospel brings, they have a sure standing place; their feet are upon a rock that cannot be moved.”

Possible discussion questions: What stands out for you from George Q. Cannon’s quote? How can we be confident despite the troubled world around us? President Cannon said, “this confidence is beyond price” – what does that phrase mean to you? Have you ever had peace, even when it might be difficult to have? Where does the Spirit seem to focus the most – on the events around you or the universe inside you? Why is obedience necessary?

Quote #5 (president nelson)

It is my testimony that the rock upon which we stand is our witness that Jesus is the Christ; that this is His Church, which He leads personally; and that President Russell M. Nelson is His living prophet today.

President Nelson seeks and receives direction from the Lord. He is, for me an example of seeking that direction with the determination to follow it.

Possible Questions: How do you feel about President Russell M. Nelson as our prophet? What example has President Nelson set as a prophet that has touched you? Jesus Christ leads this Church personally – how does that make you feel? How do the Church and President Nelson help you get closer to the Savior? Do you have a favorite General Conference talk by President Nelson?

Summarize class discussion highlights and/or share your testimony and feelings about our access to the power of God in great glory.

Final Comment

Elder Eyring is a dear old soul. He has so much insight, and we love him. Thank you for being here and taking time out to prepare a meaningful lesson for your group of Saints. Teach the quotes in any order that makes sense to you. Teach with confidence; if you would like some tips on how to feel more confident while teaching – try “9 Tips for More Class Participation.” Blessings to you as you increase the faith and understanding among us.

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  1. Meagan Johnson

    Thank you!! I was a little stumped as to how to approach turning this talk into a lesson. This really helped me get my jumbled thoughts straightened out.

    • Shawnie Cannon

      Meagan, I’m so glad this helped. I know all about jumbled thoughts. Good luck with your teaching.

  2. Anna

    I am so happy to be on your mail list. I love your insights and suggestions for teaching each General Authority’s talk. Thanks for sharing with me.

    I cannot find a ‘Divine Code’ for Elder Gong’s 2021 October Conference speech. Have you send one out yet? Thanks

    • Shawnie Cannon

      Thank you! Gong should be finished by this Wednesday.


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