Youth – 5 CFM Ideas for May 20-26, 2024

by | May 16, 2024



See the complete list of CFM Lessons

Mosiah 18-24

Do the grueling episodes from this week’s Mosiah chapters give you pause, too? Amulon is the ultimate toxic person. This story reminds us that difficult circumstances and people are the groundwork of this mortal experience. Even the “most blessed” of us navigate them regularly. While this might seem like bad news…it’s not.

Quote #5 is one of my favorite scripture passages. Quote #4 is also especially powerful.

Lesson Notes

You can find the full Come, Follow Me lesson here. Unless you opt to spend a lot of time on a particular quote, try to pick around 2 questions per quote. Choose the questions that resonate the most with you and make a meaningful discussion for your group of personalities.

All blue quotes from the Book of Mormon (unless otherwise noted).

Lesson Prep

  • If you want the discussion to be more meaningful, hand out reading assignments ahead of time and ask the reader to answer one question about them (pick one of the questions below and give it to them, along with the assigned quote). The sooner you do this, the better, but if possible, at least show it to them before the Sacrament meeting. You can also text or email it.
  • Ask various people to read and participate – especially those who aren’t asked as much.

Lesson Delivery

You can arrange the quotes in any order that makes sense to you. I suggest starting with the most important ones and working your way down. Don’t worry about covering all the quotes.

  • Make sure you assign others to read the quotes. You’re talking enough already. Letting others read allows more people to participate.
  • Encourage discussion by accepting all reasonable answers. Validate people for participating and be thankful they spoke up. Engage with the answer in a conversational way whenever it feels natural. Never say, “That’s not the right answer,” or “We haven’t got to that part of the lesson yet.”
  • Remember, spiritual discussion is golden. We want people to talk about the gospel together.
  • If a lesson takes a different turn, roll with it. The Spirit intends for you to be successful.
  • If the discussion gets too non-spiritual, pull it back by going to the following quote or question.
  • Avoid videos – they shut down discussion. Save them for personal study.

Quote #1 (money)

Possible engagement tool: Introduce this quote with something like, “We’re about to read two different philosophies about teaching religion – see what you think of them.”

Now let’s read what Alma the Younger said in Mosiah 18:

Possible discussion questions: (It’s best to accept all reasonable answers and validate/compliment/interact with all attempts to participate.) How would you describe to a friend – the difference between Nehor’s methods and Alma’s teachings? Why does it matter?

receive the grace of God: compassion, generosity, tenderness, indulgence, pardon, responsiveness

Possible activity: Write “receive the grace of God” on the board with the definitions above.

Tell the class that Alma taught that those who serve others and teach without being paid will receive God’s grace.

Ask the class, “Why is the grace of God important to you, and would you want more of it”? Who would like to share their thoughts about that? (It’s okay to wait a bit for answers.)

Possible Final Question

What are the blessings of teaching and contributing without seeking money for your service to God’s kingdom?

  • Receive grace from God
  • Wax strong in the Spirit
  • Know God
  • Teach with power and authority

Quote #2 (fold)

Possible engagement tool: Ask your class to consider something like, “What did it mean to Alma’s people to be a member of the Church”? See what stands out for you today.

Note: This quote can be divided between 3 readers.

Possible discussion questions: What part of Alma’s description of church-worthy members stands out for you today? Why do you feel like that attribute (or quality) is important? Have you ever had someone do that for you, or have you served someone else that way?

Quote #3 (snare)

Possible engagement tool: Ask, “What does it mean to be “caught in a snare”?

A snare is a trap for catching small animals or birds, usually made of a noose. It is designed to trap the animal around the neck but can also grab it by the abdomen or leg. Once caught, the noose tightens so the animal cannot escape.

Invite your class to listen to how Alma the Younger uses the phrase, ‘caught in a snare.’

Possible discussion questions: What caught Alma the Younger in a snare? (Accept all reasonable answers and acknowledge attempts to participate – sins, evil, and teaching false doctrine.) How does sin bind us up? (Possible answers – It chases the Spirit away; it creates addictions that become stronger than our will; it strengthens the flesh and weakens the Spirit; it distracts us from much better choices, mindsets, and lifestyles; it chases away our peace and well-being.) How would you describe “sore repentance” – what might that look like? Alma the Younger went from a very evil sinner to a prophet with promised eternal life – what message does that hold for us? Was it easy for Alma to make that change? (No, it was a lot of hard work, and he spent a lot of time making up for his former life and becoming who he was.) Can we talk to the Lord about our sins and weaknesses? (Yes!) What kinds of sins should we take to the bishop?

  • Serious violations of the law of chastity
  • Acts of violence or dishonesty that cause serious harm or damage to others
  • Adultery and fornication
  • Incest
  • Sexual abuse
  • Major criminal activity such as robbery and embezzlement
  • Family abuse

Quote #4 (test)

Possible engagement tool: Ask your class to consider what the phrase “man of God” means to Alma the Younger as you explore the following few verses:

Three Prophets

Alma further teaches what “walking in God’s ways” means in verse 15.

We’re about to hear two more prophets describe a disciple/man of God/just man does. Invite your class to listen for similarities.

Footnote 14a references Mosiah’s description of what a just man walking in God’s ways:

President Nelson describes what a disciple of Christ does:

Possible discussion questions: What ideas are shared in common with all three prophets, Alma, Mosiah, and President Nelson? How can we tell if someone is a man of God?

Quote #5 (miracle prayer)

Possible engagement tool: Remind the class that Alma’s people were forbidden to pray, so they prayed silently and fervently for relief from Amulon’s cruelty. This is the answer and miracle they received from the Lord.

slaves working in the field
He did lighten their load.

Note: This quote can be divided between 2 readers.

Possible discussion question: What is the big miracle that just happened? How did the attitude and mindset of Alma’s people help them? Were they meant to endure it forever? Is it possible to be happy even when life is tough? What important lessons do you think Alma’s people learned by not being rescued immediately? What can we learn from this experience?

Bonus – Deepen the Understanding

Part of our spiritual journey is reaching out to heaven for help and relief through prayer and faithful living. Prayer is powerful. Prayer changes things. However, have you noticed that the answers to our prayers rarely match our desired, well-thought-out remedies?

There’s a learning curve to praying and receiving personal revelation. Over a lifetime, I’ve discovered the kinds of prayers that, guaranteed, don’t work. For example, when I was much younger, I used to pray that the Lord would zap downright awful people with lightning or send fire-breathing dragons their way to relieve my hardships (true story).

It never happened once.

Similar to what the people of Limhi experienced, the prayer I discovered that works every time is, “Heavenly Father, please make me equal to what I face.” Challenges don’t disappear, but how they look and feel to me improves remarkably. My sense of capacity increases, and their weight decreases.

Possible discussion question: Why does a prayer for strength and increased capacity successfully gain Heaven’s partnership? (Accept all reasonable answers – see verse 14 above – our bond with the Lord strengthens, and we are strengthened – The Savior is in the business of growing a more powerful, capable people – not making problems go away.)


Summarize class discussion highlights and/or share your testimony and feelings about the lesson. Thank your class for their excellent contributions and insights.

Final Comment

As you study and teach, you can help others find more truths in the scriptures. Thank you for bringing powerful Book of Mormon teachings into other people’s lives. Hey

If you would like some tips on how to feel more confident while teaching, try “9 Tips for More Class Participation.Please arrange the quotes in any order that makes sense to you.

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