Youth – 5 CFM Ideas for Jan 15-21 2024

by | Jan 1, 2024

hands following along a rod of iron


See the complete list CFM Lessons

1 Nephi 6-10

The spectacular account of Lehi’s vision – a symbolic overview of our life’s journey.

Lesson Notes

You can find the full Come, Follow Me lesson here. Unless you opt to spend a lot of time on a particular quote, try to pick around 2 questions per quote. Choose the questions that resonate the most with you and make a meaningful discussion for your group of personalities.

All blue quotes from the Book of Mormon (unless otherwise noted).

Lesson Prep

  • If you want the discussion to be more meaningful, hand out reading assignments ahead of time and ask the reader to answer one question about it (pick one of the questions below and give it to them, along with the assigned quote). The sooner you do this, the better, but at least give it to them before Sacrament meeting if possible. You can text it or email it, too.
  • Ask various people to read and participate – especially those who aren’t asked as much.

Lesson Delivery

Put the quotes in any order that makes sense to you. I would start with the ones you feel are most important and work your way down. Don’t worry about covering all the quotes.

  • Make sure you assign others to read the quotes. You’re talking enough already. Letting others read allows more people to participate.
  • Encourage discussion by accepting all reasonable answers. Validate people for participating and be thankful they spoke up. Engage with the answer in a conversational way whenever it feels natural. Never say, “That’s not the right answer,” or “We haven’t got to that part of the lesson yet.”
  • Remember, spiritual discussion is golden. We want people to talk about the gospel together.
  • If a lesson takes a different turn, roll with it. The Spirit intends for you to be successful.
  • If the discussion gets too non-spiritual, pull it back by going to the following quote or question.
  • Avoid videos – they shut down discussion. Save them for personal study.

Quote #1 (forgotten)

Laman and Lemuel are one of Nephi’s biggest challenges.

Possible invitation to engage: Ask your class to listen for a phrase that’s repeated three times in these verses. (How is it ye have forgotten?)

Possible discussion questions: Nephi chides his brothers for forgetting important things – what did they forget? (accept all reasonable answers – significant spiritual experiences, blessings along the way, that exercising faith is important)

Possible activity: Hand out pieces of paper and have people write down their answers – one at a time or post the three questions on the board:

  1. In a few words, describe a meaningful spiritual experience you have had.
  2. How have you felt the hand of the Lord helping you along the way? Or can you name a blessing?
  3. In what way will you be more faithful to Jesus Christ this coming year? (possible actions or new habits)

Do not require anyone to share their answers but ask, “Would anyone mind sharing one of their answers? Be ready to share something for each question yourself.

(Or ask the above questions without the writing activity.)

Quote #2 (darkness)

Lehi’s dream symbolizes our journey through life and our experiences, including uncomfortable periods of darkness.

Possible invitation to engage: Ask your class to notice what happens when Nephi prays.

Possible discussion questions: What happened to Nephi after he prayed? (accept all reasonable answers – his eyes were opened, and he was led to a better place.) Do we sometimes dwell in the dark longer than necessary because we don’t pray and keep close to the Lord?

What does the word mercy mean to you?

mercy: generosity, blessing, forgiveness, sympathy

Can you ask the Lord for mercy in your prayers like Nephi did?

Recognizing Tender Mercies

Nephi said the Lord has a multitude of tender mercies, and so did Elder Bednar.

I testify that the tender mercies of the Lord are available to all of us and that the Redeemer of Israel is eager to bestow such gifts upon us. (Elder Bednar – April 2005)

Sometimes tender mercies are hard to see, especially in times of darkness or sadness. Can we pray to see better and feel the Lord’s tender mercies?

tender mercies: …the very personal and individualized blessings, strength, protection, assurances, guidance, loving-kindnesses, consolation, support, and spiritual gifts we receive… (Elder Bednar – April 2005)

Possible challenge: Write down and keep a record of every tender mercy you notice over the coming week.

Quote #3 (beckon)

beckon: call, wave, entice, invite, coax

Sometimes, good people need an invitation and encouragement.

hands following along a rod of iron
Christ is the Word. And the rod is the Word of Christ.

Possible discussion questions: What can we generally say about Nephi, Sariah, and Sam’s testimony? (they were faithful and strong and believed Lehi) Can solid and faithful people need encouragement and invitations, too? Why is it important to talk to each other about the gospel -OR- call or text other people in our class about going to YM/YW or Sunday Church? (we all need encouragement and reminders) How does it feel when someone takes the time to ask if you’re going to be at Church or a YM/YW activity? Is there someone you need to reach out to?

Possible challenge: Invite everyone to “beckon” at least two people this coming week. You can even take the time to counsel together, make assignments, and have them report back.

Quote #4 (heed not)

heed not: not pay attention to, not take notice of, not listen to, not be mindful of

Possible discussion questions: What does “heed not“ mean to you? Have you ever had a situation where you heeded not?

Elder Bednar tells us how we can follow this advice in our time.

Note: This quote can be split up into two smaller quotes.

Possible discussion questions: When someone insults us or jeers at our religion, we probably want to respond. What is Elder Bednar’s advice? What would be your advice to a friend when someone is bullying them about being a Latter-day Saint?

Quote #5 (mysteries)

A possible engagement tool: Tell your class that certain people are eligible to learn the mysteries of God. What does Nephi say about that?

Who can learn and understand the mysteries of God?

Who? All Men


  • They Repent
  • Come unto Christ
  • Diligently Seek

Possible discussion questions: What does “dilligently seek” mean to you? (accept all possible answers – to keep searching and not give up. To be proactive and actively study it out, ponder, ask questions, ask in prayer, talk to faithful people who have the Spirit)


Summarize class discussion highlights and/or share your testimony and feelings about the lesson. Thank your class for their excellent contributions and insights.

Final Comment

As you study and teach, you can help others liken the scriptures to themselves. Thank you for bringing powerful Book of Mormon teachings into other people’s lives.

If you would like some tips on how to feel more confident while teaching – try “9 Tips for More Class Participation.Please put the quotes in any order that makes sense to you.

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