Youth – 5 CFM Ideas for Dec 09 – 15, 2024

by | Dec 14, 2024

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Moroni 7 – 9

The topics for this week are judging, meekness, charity, prayer and a life plan.

Lesson Notes

You can find the full Come, Follow Me lesson here. Unless you opt to spend a lot of time on a particular quote, try to pick around 2 questions per quote. Choose the questions that resonate the most with you and make a meaningful discussion for your group of personalities.

All blue quotes from the Book of Mormon (unless otherwise noted).

Lesson Prep

  • If you want the discussion to be more meaningful, hand out reading assignments ahead of time and ask the reader to answer one question about them (pick one of the questions below and give it to them, along with the assigned quote). The sooner you do this, the better, but if possible, at least show it to them before the Sacrament meeting. You can also text or email it.
  • Ask various people to read and participate – especially those who aren’t asked as much.

Lesson Delivery

You can arrange the quotes in any order that makes sense to you. I suggest starting with the most important ones and working your way down. Don’t worry about covering all the quotes.

  • Make sure you assign others to read the quotes. You’re talking enough already. Letting others read allows more people to participate.
  • Encourage discussion by accepting all reasonable answers. Validate people for participating and be thankful they spoke up. Engage with the answer in a conversational way whenever it feels natural. Never say, “That’s not the right answer,” or “We haven’t got to that part of the lesson yet.”
  • Remember, spiritual discussion is golden. We want people to talk about the gospel together.
  • If a lesson takes a different turn than you planned, roll with it. The Spirit intends for you to be successful.
  • If the discussion gets too non-spiritual, pull it back by going to the following quote or question.
  • Avoid videos – they shut down discussion. Save them for personal study.

Quote #1 (judge)

Possible Intro: Sometimes we hear the phrase “judge not” meaning we’re not supposed to notice or assess what is going on with other people. Yet every day we have to make judgments. Safe vs. dangerous. Light vs. dark. Good vs. evil. Better vs. worse. Moroni teaches what kinds of judgments we need to make to keep us spiritually safe.

Possible discussion questions: According to Moroni, what judgments do we make? (Accept any reasonable answer – good from evil.) What guidelines does Moroni give so that we can judge something is of God?

  • invites us to do good
  • persuades us to believe in Christ

Possible questions: Can you think of a time when you were invited to do something good rather than something evil? What persuades you to believe in Christ?

Quote #2 (meek)

Possible engagement tool: To be meek is an essential quality that allows us to have more powerful experiences. Have your class listen for the blessings of meekness as we read these verses together.

Possible discussion questions: What blessings come from being meek and lowly of heart? Who else is meek and lowly of heart?

More discussion questions: What qualities must we have to be acceptable before God? (Accept all reasonable answers – be meek and lowly, confess Jesus is the Christ, and have charity.) What does being meek mean?

Quote #3 (charity)

Possible Intro: Charity is the greatest of all.

Possible discussion questions: What keywords stand out for you and describe an aspect of charity?

  • long-suffering
  • kind
  • no envy
  • not puffed up
  • seeketh not her own (puts others first)
  • not easily provoked (doesn’t get mad easily)
  • thinks no evil thoughts (including meanness and gossip)
  • rejoices in truth
  • bears all things (does hard things without complaining and playing the victim)
  • believes all of the gospel
  • hopes for the blessings and prophecies
  • endures with patience, meekness

Possible activity: Pick one from the list and explain what it means to you and why it is important to you.

Quote #4 (ask)

We can’t make charity happen by ourselves.

Possible discussion questions: How can we get more charity? How often should we ask for it? Why is it important to pray for this gift?

Quote #5 (life)

Mormon outlines the lifelong path we take to get back to Heavenly Father.

This is a simple road map to follow for life. What are the steps?

  • repentance
  • baptism
  • faithful obedience
  • get a remission of sins
  • meek and lowly
  • visitations of the Holy Ghost
  • fills you with hope and perfect love
  • keep the love by regular prayer and also praying for the love

Possible discussion question: Which steps are not repeated, and which do we often repeat?


Summarize class discussion highlights and/or share your testimony and feelings about the lesson. Thank your class for their excellent contributions and insights.

Final Comment

As you study and teach, you can help others find more truths in the scriptures. Thank you for bringing powerful Book of Mormon teachings into other people’s lives.

If you would like some tips on how to feel more confident while teaching, try “9 Tips for More Class Participation.Please arrange the quotes in any order that makes sense to you.

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