Youth – 5 CFM Ideas for Aug 19 – 25, 2024

by | Aug 20, 2024

ancient boy warriors marching in a line with shields and spears


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Alma 53 – 63

The 2000 Stripling Warriors have taught us multiple lessons for us during this tumultuous year.

Lesson Notes

You can find the full Come, Follow Me lesson here. Unless you opt to spend a lot of time on a particular quote, try to pick around 2 questions per quote. Choose the questions that resonate the most with you and make a meaningful discussion for your group of personalities.

All blue quotes from the Book of Mormon (unless otherwise noted).

Lesson Prep

  • If you want the discussion to be more meaningful, hand out reading assignments ahead of time and ask the reader to answer one question about them (pick one of the questions below and give it to them, along with the assigned quote). The sooner you do this, the better, but if possible, at least show it to them before the Sacrament meeting. You can also text or email it.
  • Ask various people to read and participate – especially those who aren’t asked as much.

Lesson Delivery

You can arrange the quotes in any order that makes sense to you. I suggest starting with the most important ones and working your way down. Don’t worry about covering all the quotes.

  • Make sure you assign others to read the quotes. You’re talking enough already. Letting others read allows more people to participate.
  • Encourage discussion by accepting all reasonable answers. Validate people for participating and be thankful they spoke up. Engage with the answer in a conversational way whenever it feels natural. Never say, “That’s not the right answer,” or “We haven’t got to that part of the lesson yet.”
  • Remember, spiritual discussion is golden. We want people to talk about the gospel together.
  • If a lesson takes a different turn, roll with it. The Spirit intends for you to be successful.
  • If the discussion gets too non-spiritual, pull it back by going to the following quote or question.
  • Avoid videos – they shut down discussion. Save them for personal study.

Quote #1 (example)

Great warm-up quote.

Possible engagement tool: Have your class listen for ways they admire the 2000 Stripling Warriors as we read the following verses:

Possible discussion question: What qualities do the Stripling Warriors have that you admire?

Quote #2 (love)

Possible intro: We often talk about the great faith of the Stripling Warriors. We also know they had the greatest love – as we listen to the following verses, see what comes up for you.

Note: Best to divide between two readers.

Possible discussion question: How do the Stripling Warriors show great love? (Accept all reasonable answers – Willing to lay down their lives for the liberty of others) How does love help us have more faith and courage?

Marching into war with a shield and a sword is pretty daunting. Reading about how these boys were willing to lay down their lives for the liberty of others helped me double-check my own courage and feel less fear of what comes our way.

ancient boy warriors marching in a line with shields and spears
Helaman’s 2000 Stripling Warriors

Deepen the Understanding

The Stripling Warriors were following Christ in a rather remarkable way. See if you can spot the parallels between the Stripling Warriors and Christ in the following verses.

Christ reads an Ancient scripture about himself to the Jews in their synagogue.

Nephi shares how Christ sets us at liberty.

Possible discussion questions: How does the willingness of the Stripling Warriors to lay down their lives for the liberty of others—emulate Christ’s sacrifice and His gift of liberty to us?

Quote #3 (stand fast)

Possible intro: Pahoran, the chief judge, uses a curious phrase, “stand fast,” when writing a letter to Captain Moroni. Think about what that phrase means as we read the following verse:

Stand fast: to firmly remain in the same position or keep the same opinion, for example, “The soldiers are standing fast and refuse to be defeated.” Or “He held fast to his principles.”

Here’s a perfect example from the Stripling Warriors in Alma 58:

Possible discussion question: How did the Stripling Warriors stand fast? What does “stand fast” mean to you? How can you “stand fast” today?

Possible engagement tool: Ask your class to think about the following question as you read the following verses. “What liberty has God given us that makes us free”? (Have your class read the verses below before you answer the question.)

Note: Best if you divide between two readers.

Possible discussion question: What liberty has God given us that makes us free? How does sin entangle and bind us? Accept all reasonable answers. (It keeps us from our best selves and from our greatest happiness and peace.)

Quote #4 (wealthy)

Possible engagement tool: Ask your class to consider whether you can be wealthy or extremely blessed in other ways and still be very righteous.

Possible activity: Have your class help you pull out what kept them righteous despite prosperity and wealth. The list doesn’t need to be complete or worded the same!

Righteous and Wealthy

  • No pride or conceit
  • Did not feel “lifted up” or above others
  • Quick to remember the Lord and acknowledge Him
  • Took the time to contemplate their own humility before God
  • Had lots of gratitude for their blessings and their freedoms
  • Pray continually and often

Possible discussion questions: In what ways can we still be humble even when we are incredibly blessed? What happens when we become proud or lifted up and slow to remember God? What blessings are you especially grateful for? Can we include our gratitude for specific blessings in our prayers?

Quote #5 (reactions)

Possible Intro: Share this quote,

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” ~Charles R. Swindoll

Possible discussion questions: Are we responsible for our reactions to difficult episodes? Can two people experience the same circumstances and have entirely different attitudes, reactions, and outcomes? Is it possible to let a trial harden us rather than soften us? What happens when we approach afflictions without bitterness and with faith in Christ? (Accept all reasonable answers – challenging experiences grow and develop us and make us a better version of ourselves.)


Summarize class discussion highlights and/or share your testimony and feelings about the lesson. Thank your class for their excellent contributions and insights.

Final Comment

As you study and teach, you can help others find more truths in the scriptures. Thank you for bringing powerful Book of Mormon teachings into other people’s lives.

If you would like some tips on how to feel more confident while teaching, try “9 Tips for More Class Participation.Please arrange the quotes in any order that makes sense to you.

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  1. Gavin

    HUGE help. Thank you for your time and efforts always!!

  2. B

    This was really helpful! Thank you


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