See also: Sacrament Talk Helps
Topics: Jesus, Savior, Christ, being christ-like, grace, mercy
This talk is more like a template and you fill in the blanks.
Time: 10-20 mins (depends on how you use this template)
Section 1 – Alma’s Christ
We often hear the counsel to learn of the Savior and strive to be Christ-like. So the big question – what is Christ actually like? What are we to work towards?
The prophet Alma who knew Christ and visited with Him – shares some stirring information about the Savior in Alma 9:26. Listen to his heartfelt, powerful words.
“And not many days hence the Son of God shall come in his glory; and his glory shall be the glory of the Only Begotten of the Father, full of grace, equity, and truth, full of patience, mercy, and long-suffering, quick to hear the cries of his people and to answer their prayers.”
Alma 9:26
Descriptions of Jesus
You probably won’t have time to do the optional commentary on all of these, so pick the ones you feel you can talk about naturally and share the quick word list definitions of the others. Try to go through the whole list. Personal stories from your life will upgrade your Sacrament talk.
Looking at each descriptive word from verse 26 opens the door to more understanding who Jesus is.
Our Savior is full of grace. Just what is grace?
Grace means: compassion, generosity, goodness, kindness, love, tenderness AND ease, elegance, poise, refinement
Optional (1-3 min): Mention an example of grace you’ve experienced from someone in your life. What is the story? Even better, describe an example of the grace of someone in your ward/branch. If you can highlight someone who is not always mentioned – that is best. And/or talk about an attribute from the grace word list you feel you lack and the steps you’re going to take (or have taken) to gain more grace.
Christ is full of equity. What does that mean?
Equity means: even-handed, fair-minded, honesty, integrity
Optional (1-3 min): Share how you feel when you realize someone is even-handed and fair-minded. Do you sometimes need to be more even-handed and fair-minded? How would that help our world if society valued that quality? And/or talk about an attribute from the equity word list you feel you lack and the steps you’re going to take (or have taken) to gain more equity.
According to Alma, Jesus is full of truth. That means He is full of (read word list).
truth; accuracy, authenticity, certainty, correctness, genuineness, principle, sincerity
Optional (1-3 min): Share how or why you enjoy people with these qualities, especially (pick 1 or 2). And/or talk about an attribute from the truth word list you feel you lack and the steps you’re going to take (or have taken) to gain more ________. Or say something like, “His truth gives us certainty which feels like peace and confidence.”
The Savior has lots of patience with us. Full of patience means (read word list).
full of patience; capacity, willingness to endure, diligence, grit, perseverance, tolerance, restraint
Optional (1-3 min): Who couldn’t use more patience? There are a few people in this world with lots of patience; I’m not one of them. Talk about an attribute from the patience word list you want to work on and the steps you’re going to take (or have taken) to gain more ________. Maybe share how not having patience affects our happiness (and others’).
Christ is filled with mercy, and I could not be more thankful! Mercy means he has (read word list).
mercy; benevolence, blessing, charity, forgiveness, goodwill, pity, sympathy
Optional (1-3 mins): This might be an excellent opportunity to express gratitude for mercy and what it means to you. Talk about an attribute from the mercy word list you want to work on and the steps you’re going to take (or have taken) to gain more ________.
Jesus is long-suffering. It’s not a common word or attribute in today’s society. It means:
long-suffering; forbearing, uncomplaining
Optional (1-3 mins): Do you know anyone who complains or critiques a lot? How does it feel to be around a person like that? Do you sometimes need to be more long-suffering and complain less? How would that help our world if society valued that quality?
Alma says the Savior is quick to hear and answer. Likewise, we treasure those people who are (read word list) in our lives.
quick to hear and answer; aware, conscious, receptive, responsive
Optional (1-3 min): Share how or why you enjoy aware and responsive people. And/or talk about a situation where you realize you could be more receptive and responsive.
Not only is Jesus Christ a Supreme Being and a member of the Godhead – he is supreme in character. Despite his stature and greatness, He is keenly interested in me and each of us. He wants to live with us for the eternities. I am grateful for his example and guide of where to focus my efforts, upgrade myself and treat others.
Optional (1-2 mins): Add final thoughts and/or testimony.
Will you be doing a blog or
5 highlights for Elder Gary E Stevensons talk, Simply beautiful-Beatifully Simple?
Beautiful talk right? The next talks I do will be from the April 2022 Conference here in a week. But please have complete faith in yourself. Find your five highlights and ask your group questions about those highlights. You will be led to what the Spirit wants you to teach. You have this.
This is a powerful and inspiring post.
Thank you!
Thank you so much. Christ is my favorite topic.