Fixing Broken Site – 2025

by | Jan 6, 2025

Sorry, my site has been broken, and I am trying to troubleshoot it so I can publish more posts.

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Divine Code

Website & Design Created by Shawnie Cannon

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  1. Robert Goletz

    Sister Cannon, I just wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed your posts on X. With reluctance, because I will no longer be able to read your posts, I have discontinued my X account. However, I hope to continue receiving your e-mails since one of my callings is Youth Sunday School Teacher for our branch. Thank you for all your efforts on behalf of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  2. Haze

    Thank you for your efforts over the years.

  3. Don Crockett

    You are expert at assembling good spiritual content. Other people are good at the technical part of websites. Why not hire an expert and get the problem fixed. I feel like I am really missing out on what you do well. Don Crockett

    • Shawnie Cannon

      You have always been so kind in your thoughtfulness. I’m not hiring someone to work on a hobby website – it generates zero money and I feel best that it stay that way. It keeps it honest and humble. Happy New Year!


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